Contact the National Seniors Council

The role of the National Seniors Council (NSC) is to advise the Government of Canada on issues related to the health, well-being and quality of life of seniors. As an advisory body, our role is to take into consideration the views of stakeholders and seniors and to provide solid, evidence-based advice to the government that takes into consideration these views.

Share your views with the NSC

Submit your views, comments and questions specific to the NSC and its activities by completing the online form or by mail at the following address:

National Seniors Council
Phase IV, 8th Floor, Mail Stop 802
140 Promenade du Portage
Gatineau, Quebec
K1A 0J9

Request information on Government of Canada programs and services for seniors

The NSC does not respond to questions relating to programs and services delivered by the Government of Canada.

For such enquiries:

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